123 research outputs found

    Stress-strain state of pipeline depending on complicated environment

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    The paper presents the 3D model and FEM analysis of the stress-strain state of the soil- pipe interaction system. The analysis shows that the geological environment has shown a strong effect on the pipelines. This stress-strain analysis is carried out using the ANSYS finite element program

    Дослідження впливу сухих екстрактів з листя брусниці і чорниці з додаванням L-аргініну на розвиток метаболічних порушень за умов експериментального цукрового діабету ІІ типу

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    Investigated the pharmacological properties of dry extractof cranberries and blueberries with the addition of L-arginine in experimental metabolic syndrome in rats induced vsokoprotocnah diet. Revealed more pronounced antiatherogenic properties of extracts of bilberry, compared with an extract of bilberry. Conclusions prospects for the use of extracts of the investigated plants as potential substrates for the treatment and prevention of metabolic syndrome.Исследованы фармакологические свойства сухих екстрактов брусники и черники с добавлением L-аргинина в условиях экспериментального метаболического синдрома у крыс, индуцированного високофруктозной диетой. Выявлено более выраженные антиатерогенные свойства экстрактов черники по сравнению с экстрактом брусники. Сделаны выводы перспективы применения экстрактов исследованных растений в качестве потенциальных субстратов для лечения и профилактики метаболического синдрома.  Досліджено фармакологічні властивості сухих екстрактів брусниці та чорниці з додаванням з L-аргініну за умов експериментального  метаболічного синдрому у щурів, індукованому високофруктозною дієтою. Виявлено більш виразні антиатерогенні властивості екстрактів чорниці порівняно з екстрактом брусниці.  Зроблено висновки щодо перспективи застосування екстрактів досліджених рослин в якості потенційних субстратів для лікування та профілактики метаболічного синдрому. 


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    The demand of consumers for the use of sour milk functional products is analyzed. The recommended sour-milk product was obtained by thermostat from ultra-pasteurized drinking milk with a mass fraction of fat of 3.2%. As a fertiliser was used the preparation «Bifivit» VIVO Kiev Institute of Milk and Meat (Ukraine, Kiev), which includes Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcusthermophiles. The effectiveness of the use of fermentation of VIVO trade mark – bifiit in the technology of preparation of lactic acid products is proved, which is confirmed by high tartar of lactic acid bacteria in the finished product. The optimum time of digestion of lactic acid is established, which according to the results of studies is 5-6 hours, which corresponds to the optimum acidity of the product – 650T for yoghurts.It is recommended as yogurt fillers to use api products: honey, propolis and pollen, which improve the flavoring properties of the product and enrich them with useful biologically active substances. Beekeeping products are a powerful source of biologically active substances. According to the results of personal studies, the optimum dosages of fillers were determined: floral honey – 6%, propolis – 0.5%, pollen – 5%.The research results show that yeast is present in the yogurt with honey and pollen for the third day. And on the 7th day in the sample with pollen, the amount of yeast exceeded the norm (50 Columns of forming units / ml). Signs of fermentation were observed in this sample. This indicates that when a saw is introduced into the product, a significant amount of foreign microflora enters simultaneously. The most stable microbiological parameters are observed in samples of yogurt with propolis. This may be explained by the fact that propolis is a natural antiseptic, which in some way affects the growth of yeast cells, as well as other microorganisms. Honey has a positive effect on the development of lactic acid microorganisms, but the period of changes in the organoleptic properties of the product with honey is less compared with control samples.Проанализировано покупательскую способность относительно употребления кисломолочных функциональных продуктов. Рекомендованный кисломолочный продукт получали термостатным способом из ультропастеризованного молока с массовой долей жира 3,2%. В качестве закваски использовали препарат «Бифивит» VIVО Киевского института молока и мяса (Украина, Киев), в состав которого входят – lactis,  Bifidobacterium longum,  Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophiles. Установлено эффективность использования торговой марки VIVО-бифивит в технологии приготовления молочнокислых продуктов, что подтверждается высоким титром молочнокислых бактерий в готовом продукте.Установлено оптимальное время брожения молочнокислого напитка, который по результатам исследований составляет т5-6 часов, что соответствует оптимальной кислотности продукта 65 0Т для йогуртов. Рекомендовано в качестве наполнителей для йогурта использовать апи -продукты -мед, прополис и пыльцу, которые улучшают вкусовые качества продукта и обогащают его полезными биологически-активными веществами.Продукты пчеловодства - мощный источник биологически-активных веществ. По результатам личных исследований обозначено оптимальное дозирование наполнителей: мед цветочный – 6 %, прополис – 0,5%, пилок – 5%.Результаты исследований свидетельствуют, что в йогурте с медом и пыльцой уже на третьи сутки наблюдается присутствие дрожжей. А на 7-мые сутки в образце с пыльцой количество дрожжей превышало норму (50КОЕ/мл). В этом образце наблюдались признаки брожения. Это свидетельствует о том, что при внесении пыльцы в продукт одновременно поступает большое количество посторонней микрофлоры. Наиболее стабильные микробиологические показатели отмечаются в образцах йогурта с прополисом. Это можно пояснить тем, что прополис является природным антисептиком, который определенным образом влияет на рост дрожжевых клеток, а также на присутствие других микроорганизмов. Мед положительно влияет на развитие молочнокислых организмов, однако в период изменения органолептических свойств продукта с медом меньше в сравнении с контрольными образцами.Проаналізовано попит споживачів щодо вживання кисломолочних функціональних продуктів. Рекомендований кисломолочний продукт одержували термостатним способом з ультрапастеризованого питного молока з масовою часткою жиру 3,2%. В якості закваски використовували препарат «Біфівіт» VIVO Київського інституту молока і м’яса (Україна, Київ), до складу якого входять Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophiles. Встановлено ефективність використання закваски торгівельної марки VIVO-біфівіт в технології приготування молочнокислих продуктів, що підтверджується високим титром молочнокислих бактерій в готовому продукті.Встановлено оптимальний час зброджування молочнокислого напою, який за результатами досліджень становить 5-6 годин, що відповідає оптимальній кислотності продукту – 650Т для йогуртів. Рекомендовано у якості наповнювачів для йогурту використовувати апі-продукти: мед, прополіс та пилок, які покращують смакові властивості продукту та збагачують його корисними біологічно-активними речовинами. Продукти бджільництва – потужне джерело біологічно-активних речовин. За результатами особистих досліджень визначено оптимальні дозування наповнювачів: мед квітковий – 6%, прополіс – 0,5%, пилок – 5%.Результати досліджень свідчать, що в йогурті з медом та пилком вже на третю добу присутні дріжджі. А на 7-му добу в зразку із пилком кількість дріжджів перевищувала норму (50 КУО/мл). В цьому зразку спостерігалися ознаки бродіння. Це свідчить, що при внесені пилка в продукт одночасно потрапляє значна кількість сторонньої мікрофлори. Найбільш стабільні мікробіологічні показники спостерігаються у зразках йогурту із прополісом. Це можна пояснити тим, що прополіс є природним антисептиком, який певним чином впливає на ріст дріжджових клітин, а також інших мікроорганізмів. Мед позитивно впливає на розвиток молочнокислих мікроорганізмів, однак період зміни органолептичних властивостей продукту з медом менший в порівнянні з контрольними зразками

    A Knockout of the Tsg101 Gene Leads to Decreased Expression of ErbB Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and Induction of Autophagy Prior to Cell Death

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    The Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101 (Tsg101) encodes a multi-domain protein that mediates a variety of molecular and biological processes including the trafficking and lysosomal degradation of cell surface receptors. Conventional and conditional knockout models have demonstrated an essential requirement of this gene for cell cycle progression and cell viability, but the consequences of a complete ablation of Tsg101 on intracellular processes have not been examined to date. In this study, we employed mouse embryonic fibroblasts that carry two Tsg101 conditional knockout alleles to investigate the expression of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases as well as stress-induced intracellular processes that are known to be associated with a defect in growth and cell survival. The conditional deletion of the Tsg101 gene in this well-controlled experimental model resulted in a significant reduction in the steady-state levels of the EGFR and ErbB2 but a stress-induced elevation in the phosphorylation of mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases independent of growth factor stimulation. As part of an integrated stress response, Tsg101-deficient cells exhibited extensive remodeling of actin filaments and greatly enlarged lysosomes that were enriched with the autophagy-related protein LC3. The increase in the transcriptional activation and expression of LC3 and its association with Lamp1-positive lysosomes in a PI3K-dependent manner suggest that Tsg101 knockout cells utilize autophagy as a survival mechanism prior to their ultimate death. Collectively, this study shows that a knockout of the Tsg101 gene causes complex intracellular changes associated with stress response and cell death. These multifaceted alterations need to be recognized as they have an impact on defining particular functions for Tsg101 in processes such as signal transduction and lysosomal/endosomal trafficking

    The Hsc/Hsp70 Co-Chaperone Network Controls Antigen Aggregation and Presentation during Maturation of Professional Antigen Presenting Cells

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    The maturation of mouse macrophages and dendritic cells involves the transient deposition of ubiquitylated proteins in the form of dendritic cell aggresome-like induced structures (DALIS). Transient DALIS formation was used here as a paradigm to study how mammalian cells influence the formation and disassembly of protein aggregates through alterations of their proteostasis machinery. Co-chaperones that modulate the interplay of Hsc70 and Hsp70 with the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and the autophagosome-lysosome pathway emerged as key regulators of this process. The chaperone-associated ubiquitin ligase CHIP and the ubiquitin-domain protein BAG-1 are essential for DALIS formation in mouse macrophages and bone-marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). CHIP also cooperates with BAG-3 and the autophagic ubiquitin adaptor p62 in the clearance of DALIS through chaperone-assisted selective autophagy (CASA). On the other hand, the co-chaperone HspBP1 inhibits the activity of CHIP and thereby attenuates antigen sequestration. Through a modulation of DALIS formation CHIP, BAG-1 and HspBP1 alter MHC class I mediated antigen presentation in mouse BMDCs. Our data show that the Hsc/Hsp70 co-chaperone network controls transient protein aggregation during maturation of professional antigen presenting cells and in this way regulates the immune response. Similar mechanisms may modulate the formation of aggresomes and aggresome-like induced structures (ALIS) in other mammalian cell types

    Viral Mediated Redirection of NEMO/IKKγ to Autophagosomes Curtails the Inflammatory Cascade

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    The early host response to viral infections involves transient activation of pattern recognition receptors leading to an induction of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). Subsequent activation of cytokine receptors in an autocrine and paracrine manner results in an inflammatory cascade. The precise mechanisms by which viruses avert an inflammatory cascade are incompletely understood. Nuclear factor (NF)-κB is a central regulator of the inflammatory signaling cascade that is controlled by inhibitor of NF-κB (IκB) proteins and the IκB kinase (IKK) complex. In this study we show that murine cytomegalovirus inhibits the inflammatory cascade by blocking Toll-like receptor (TLR) and IL-1 receptor-dependent NF-κB activation. Inhibition occurs through an interaction of the viral M45 protein with the NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO), the regulatory subunit of the IKK complex. M45 induces proteasome-independent degradation of NEMO by targeting NEMO to autophagosomes for subsequent degradation in lysosomes. We propose that the selective and irreversible degradation of a central regulatory protein by autophagy represents a new viral strategy to dampen the inflammatory response

    Deletion of the Huntingtin Polyglutamine Stretch Enhances Neuronal Autophagy and Longevity in Mice

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    Expansion of a stretch of polyglutamine in huntingtin (htt), the protein product of the IT15 gene, causes Huntington's disease (HD). Previous investigations into the role of the polyglutamine stretch (polyQ) in htt function have suggested that its length may modulate a normal htt function involved in regulating energy homeostasis. Here we show that expression of full-length htt lacking its polyglutamine stretch (ΔQ-htt) in a knockin mouse model for HD (Hdh140Q/ΔQ), reduces significantly neuropil mutant htt aggregates, ameliorates motor/behavioral deficits, and extends lifespan in comparison to the HD model mice (Hdh140Q/+). The rescue of HD model phenotypes is accompanied by the normalization of lipofuscin levels in the brain and an increase in the steady-state levels of the mammalian autophagy marker microtubule-associate protein 1 light chain 3-II (LC3-II). We also find that ΔQ-htt expression in vitro increases autophagosome synthesis and stimulates the Atg5-dependent clearance of truncated N-terminal htt aggregates. ΔQ-htt's effect on autophagy most likely represents a gain-of-function, as overexpression of full-length wild-type htt in vitro does not increase autophagosome synthesis. Moreover, HdhΔQ/ΔQ mice live significantly longer than wild-type mice, suggesting that autophagy upregulation may be beneficial both in diseases caused by toxic intracellular aggregate-prone proteins and also as a lifespan extender in normal mammals

    Granulovacuolar Degenerations Appear in Relation to Hippocampal Phosphorylated Tau Accumulation in Various Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Granulovacuolar degeneration (GVD) is one of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and it is defined as electron-dense granules within double membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles. Several lines of evidence have suggested that GVDs appear within hippocampal pyramidal neurons in AD when phosphorylated tau begins to aggregate into early-stage neurofibrillary tangles. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of GVDs with phosphorylated tau pathology to determine whether GVDs and phosphorylated tau coexist among different non-AD neurodegenerative disorders. METHODS: An autopsied series of 28 patients with a variety of neurodegenerative disorders and 9 control patients were evaluated. Standard histological stains along with immunohistochemistry using protein markers for GVD and confocal microscopy were utilized. RESULTS: The number of neurons with GVDs significantly increased with the level of phosphorylated tau accumulation in the hippocampal regions in non-AD neurodegenerative disorders. At the cellular level, diffuse staining for phosphorylated tau was detected in neurons with GVDs. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that GVDs appear in relation to hippocampal phosphorylated tau accumulation in various neurodegenerative disorders, while the presence of phosphorylated tau in GVD-harbouring neurons in non-AD neurodegenerative disorders was indistinguishable from age-related accumulation of phosphorylated tau. Although GVDs in non-AD neurodegenerative disorders have not been studied thoroughly, our results suggest that they are not incidental findings, but rather they appear in relation to phosphorylated tau accumulation, further highlighting the role of GVD in the process of phosphorylated tau accumulation